Thomas C. West



(844) 344-2991

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Tom West is a Partner in the investment management and financial planning firm of Signature Estate & Investment Advisors (SEIA) and is a 2017 Signature/John Hancock Hall of Fame inductee. Tom also has a robust financial planning and investment management practice that emphasizes cash flow in all stages of retirement with an emphasis on planning and asset management for families facing the challenge of health-related dependency due to disability, illness, or death.

Tom has significant experience in issues related to suitable and ethical financial strategies pertaining to incapacitated seniors, and is regularly interviewed for his perspective by periodicals such as the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post, Investment News, and the New York Times which profiled his practice in 2013. Tom regularly educates financial professionals, attorneys, tax professionals and geriatric care managers on the most appropriate financial planning techniques for families facing long term care decisions.

Tom’s community service in the aging and disability area has earned him recognition from a variety of non-profits and local government groups. He is currently the Board Chair of Goodwin House at Home in Alexandria, VA and serves on the Corporate Board of Goodwin House, Inc. as well as the Board of the Insight Memory Care Center in Fairfax, VA.